Подарочные абонементы на полёт в аэротрубе - Аэродинамический комплекс TwinFly

Gift passes
на полёт в аэротрубе

Яркие эмоции

Состояние свободного полета вызывает радостные и незабываемые эмоции


Полная безопасность и комфорт: летать могут даже дети от 4-х лет


Инструктор обучает и всегда рядом. Входит в стоимость полета

Подарите сертификат на полет от 2 минут с инструктором

Сертификат на полёт в единственной аэротрубе в Пермском крае  — это незабываемый подарок на любое событие для ваших близких и друзей.

Подарите всем, кто вам дорог уникальную возможность испытать невесомость и одновременно контролировать своё тело: полет в аэротрубе станет одним из лучших приключений в их жизни.

Сертификаты можно купить в электронном формате и в виде подарочной карты

Срок действия сертификата после покупки — 180 дней

Электронный подарочный сертификат с возможностью печати

Подарочная карта
в элегантном пластиковом формате

Купить электронный подарочный сертификат

Подарите незабываемые впечатления своим близким и друзьям

The flight includes:

2 200 ₽
550 Р
x 4 частями
3 300 ₽
825 Р
x 4 частями
4 500 ₽
1 125 Р
x 4 частями
5 400 ₽
1 350 Р
x 4 частями
6 600 ₽
1 650 Р
x 4 частями
7 800 ₽
1 950 Р
x 4 частями
18 000 ₽
4 500 Р
x 4 частями
23 100 ₽
5 775 Р
x 4 частями
4 000 ₽
1 000 Р
x 4 частями
7 500 ₽
1 875 Р
x 4 частями
14 000 ₽
3 500 Р
x 4 частями
12 450 ₽
3 113 Р
x 4 частями
16 050 ₽
4 013 Р
x 4 частями
24 900 ₽
6 225 Р
x 4 частями
32 100 ₽
8 025 Р
x 4 частями
1 000 ₽
250 Р
x 4 частями
2 000 ₽
500 Р
x 4 частями

Видеоотзывы наших посетителей

Наши посетители расскажут о своих впечатлениях от полета

> 140 реальных отзывов на Яндекс Картах и в Google

Незабываемые моменты в аэротрубе TwinFly

Flight stages

Book a convenient time through the website, social networks or by phone

Please arrive at the complex 40 minutes before your flight to change, warm up and receive instructions.


Get stylish, comfortable equipment (overalls, helmet, shoes, gloves, disposable caps)


Receive pre-flight briefing with an experienced instructor


Enjoy your flight with the support of an instructor

Как забронировать полет после покупки сертификата

1. Сообщить нам уникальный номер вашего сертификата

По номеру телефона:

+7 (951) 947-94-35


Написать сообщение

в группу в Вконтакте или в любой мессенджер

2. Выбрать и забронировать удобное время для полета


Why arrive 40 minutes in advance?

The answer is simple, this is necessary so that your flight starts on time. Before the flight, you need to have time to fill out documents, change clothes, and undergo pre-flight briefing. Thus, by arriving on time, you will be free on time and will not delay people who will fly after you, just as those who were before you will not create a shift in the schedule for you and will not disrupt your further plans for the day.

What do you need with you?

The most important thing is to be in a good mood! Although if you forget, we will give it to you along with overalls, shoes and a helmet! You also need to take documents and clothes that you will wear under our overalls. In the summer it can be a T-shirt and shorts, in the winter it can be thermal underwear. If you have a gift certificate, then you need to take that too.

What is a habitual shoulder dislocation?

This is the main contraindication to flying. In flight, the arms are spread out like wings, which implies, albeit a small, load on the shoulder joint. With a habitual dislocation, there is a high probability that it will happen again in flight.

Age restrictions

Flights are suitable for everyone from 4 years old.

Weight restrictions? What if a person is 119 kg?

Our wind tunnel is very powerful and is ready to lift any pilot into the air! However, the larger the person, the harder it is for the instructor to do his job. We limit the weight for visiting to 120 kilograms.

Why remove jewelry?

A strong wind flow can simply blow them away and carry them outside the wind tunnel through the ventilation ducts. You can also get caught in the net and get hurt.

Won't we go down the drain?

Our wind tunnel is a closed type, it has restrictions on all sides. Glass and panels on the sides, bottom and top - mesh. But the most important thing is that there is an experienced instructor inside with you who will not let you go high if it is unsafe.

How many minutes does it take for the first time?

The recommended time for the first visit is 6 to 10 minutes per person. This time is divided into parts and taken out in several passes, 2-3 minutes at a time. There is time to take a break, analyze the previous flight and enter with renewed vigor!

What happens if the electricity goes out?

Yes, our wind tunnel runs on electricity, which has a very good effect on the environment and ease of use. If the electricity is turned off, the wind tunnel also turns off, but due to the inertia of the closed air flow and motor fans, it does this smoothly enough to make the landing soft and safe.

What is your full name when purchasing a certificate on the website? Personalized certificate?

The certificate is not personal, the buyer’s data is needed to identify the payment and send the certificate by email.

Is it cold to fly in winter?

No, the temperature in the wind tunnel is always maintained at a comfortable temperature for flight. True, on the hottest summer days it may be a little warmer than we would like.

Will we all fly at once?

No, everyone takes turns flying. Only experienced people with confident wind tunnel flying skills can fly together.

Остались вопросы?

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Write to messengers:

Оплатите сейчас только 25%,
остальное потом! Без процентов!
Вам доступны ведущие сервисы оплаты частями.
Выбрать подходящий вам сервис можно при оформлении заказа.
при покупке
через 2 недели
через 4 недели
через 6 недель
а не кредит
Можно обычной картой
Легкий возврат
Нет анкет
Нет скрытых условий
Паспорт не нужен

Flight in a vertical wind tunnel | 4 minutes


The flight is performed in 2 approaches of 2 minutes each. You will experience free fall as if you were to jump with a parachute from a height of 4 km 4 times, and our experienced instructors will help you to enjoy the flight safely and with health benefits.


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Flight in WingSuit | 5 minutes


The flight is performed in 2 approaches of 2.5 minutes. You will experience the exciting feeling of a real flight similar to the flight of a bird. Comparable flights are performed by parachutists jumping in a wingsuit from a height of 4 km. Our experienced instructors will help you enjoy the flight safely and with health benefits.


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Flight on the dynamic flight simulator Fly Motion | 10 minutes


You will find yourself in the role of a pilot of a historical combat aircraft, capable of performing all aerobatics, and thanks to the 360-degree rotating cockpit of the simulator, you will experience unforgettable sensations from flying.


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